We've completely rebuilt Flirtual from the ground up, with huge performance improvements and a new UI. We're also making some changes to browsing and Premium.
We fixed Flirtual!
  • Loading, navigating the app, and matchmaking is now super fast and you shouldn't see crashes or errors. (OK, no promises. But definitely less often.)
  • Lots of UI and usability improvements, especially on mobile. Did you know we have mobile apps? Now they are better. Check them out! (Soon, they will be even better-er!)
  • Some more little features, bug fixes, and polish.
Matchmaking change: more profiles
  • You will now be able to view up to 30 profiles per day in regular browsing, and 30 profiles in Homie Mode.
  • You will still be able to Like/Homie up to 15 profiles in each mode.
Premium changes coming on June 19
  • We're updating our pricing to help us cover costs and keep improving Flirtual. Monthly Premium subscriptions will now be $14.99/mo, while longer subscriptions are getting bigger discounts: 33% off @ $29.99 for 3mo, and 50% off @ $44.99 for 6mo.
  • Last chance to buy Lifetime Premium @ $99.99: Lifetime Premium will be $129.99 after June 19.
  • We've removed the Supporter tier and made the ability to control your algorithm available to everyone on the Premium plan instead.
  • If you already have a subscription on June 19, you'll keep your current pricing as long as you remain subscribed.
Thanks for supporting us! These changes will help us cover our costs, improve our product, and make Flirtual even better for years to come <3
What's next?
  • There are still a couple little things missing in the new app, and a few new bugs. We'll be fixing that over the coming weeks! Further performance improvements to come too.
  • More mobile improvements: push notifications, mobile payments, and availability on the iOS App Store. (You can still install the iOS app through Safari.)
  • Translations! Want to help? Let us know.
  • Lots more! Check out our new roadmap and suggest/vote on new features on Canny.
  • P.S. Flirtual is open source! If you're a developer, you can help build the future of Flirtual.